This is my first official blog! Today, a lot of people are on Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter. I have a Twitter and I tweet at least 2 to 3 times a day. Twitter is probably the closest I have come to a formal blog. I read other peoples Tumblr's and made my own but never fully executed mine. I've always been big on social media, so I might as well use this to express myself and use it as an outlet.
I love the idea of blogging but once I have started one I always find myself caught up in my life, school, friends, work, and everything else that I could possibly get myself into. And then I forget about my blog and remember it like 2 weeks later, update it, come back 3 months later, and so on, until I eventually give up or forget about it. So it never really works out. Yes, I am little miss busy! Hopefully in my Computer Tools for Teachers Class will help me with updating my blog regularly so then in the future I can get my students to use blogs to post about their schooling and express themselves.
Every blog is different, unique, just like every other person in the world. I know, for sure, there is no one like me out there. Well, I mean, I have yet to meet my twin, so hopefully my blog will be like no other. It feels different to be the one behind the blog, not saying I'm going to be hiding behind it, maybe within and all over it. So, WELCOME!