Thursday, May 10, 2012

Technological Lesson Plans

The lessons involving technology that we did the last two weeks were very interesting to see. They were both unique. They both used technology yet they were both so different. These lessons definitely helped me see what would be best to use in my lesson plan and what would not work in my lesson plan. It was really interesting to see different ways to incorporate technology into the classroom. In the first one we used a "make your own hurricane" simulator, where we had to play around with the different atmospheric variables until it was just right for a hurricane. It was fun and I could see students getting really involved. The second lesson plan we read a poem about aliens and then went on Paint on the computers and drew out the poems how we saw them. It was really cool to see how everyone perceived the poem differently. 

Technology can be used in the classroom in many different ways and it was really interesting to see how each group incorporated it. It definitely helped me reflect on my future teaching and how I will try to incorporate technology into the classroom.

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