Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Anyone out there!? (Besides you getting a grade on this)

Honestly, I don't know if anyone else is reading my blogs, besides the students required to do so. I mean, personally, I don't blame them. It's not like I have an interesting topics to put up here. I could, but it wouldn't relate to teaching. I'm not a blog comment magnet.
Anyways, I read peoples blogs and yes, we were thinking along the same lines. That wasn't really surprising that we had similar ideas, I mean, for the most part we are being trained to be teachers and have taken the same classes. I think it is reassuring to get comments on my blog, and to comment on others too. One thing that was interesting was that for the people that I know in person, I could really see them saying the things they were saying. I thought it was weird, but it is true, your blog really expresses you and should have your voice in it.
I think blogging can be great to get students to express their ideas and interact with one another. Since I'm going to teach Math and Science, I'm not sure how useful blogging will be for my students, but you never know. 

<---- This is how I imagine you reading my blog.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your blog. Im going to be planning on teaching science and I completely agree that I do not know how useful a blog can be for science students. But I agree with what you said, who knows.
