Is there a certain age that technology should be introduced to students in the classroom? Personally, I think there should be limits in the classroom. I don't necessarily think that there is "too young". Children need to learn basic skills of society such as communication not using technology. Although this is true, the kind of technology used needs to depend on the age of the students.
Going through elementary school, technology was not an everyday tool and I made it okay. I think I am intelligent. Not until junior high and high school did I really start using technology. I even had a typing class in 7th and 8th grade. I'm great with technology and I feel like I can communicate well with others without using technology.
I think teachers should introduce younger students to technology gradually. We should acclimate students to technology instead of just giving them a computer or iPad and let them go. However, students in early elementary should not have technology incorporated into every lesson.
Also, on a different note, please take time to watch this video. I was outraged. It is about Akian, a 10 year old student with autism that is bullied by his teachers and teacher aides. His father wire tapped him to find out why Akian was lashing out. I know it is 17 minutes but you should really watch it.
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